

CreaGen positions itself for further growth by expanding its current products' business to better meet the growing demands of the industry to obtain difficult to find and make organic and organometallic compounds. WOBURN, MA -- CreaGen Biosciences is a specialty drug discovery chemistry service company ("CreaGen"), today announced its next step in meeting the growing demands of the drug discovery industry by acquiring Prime Organics' Catalogue Business. Prime Organics closed its doors after almost 20 years of business this May. Acquiring Prime's Catalogue Business, demonstrates CreaGen's continued evolution to respond to the demands of the industry in turn response to the industry's need to find it extremely challenging to obtain difficult to find and complex organic and organometallic compounds to make. CreaGen will continue to provide their clients their full range of drug discovery chemi


December 29, 2013 (PressRelease) – Creagen Biosciences hails the success of its 10 year world-class services organization, is pleased to announce a competitive discounted rate for all future projects of 5 FTEs or greater during Q1 2014. "This special offer is our way of saying thanks to all our loyal patrons that have supported us during our first 10 years," commented, Raj Rajur, CEO, President and Founder, CreaGen Biosciences."


WOBURN and Weston, Mass., May 6, 2008 – CreaGen Biosciences, Inc. and ProXyChem, LLC announced today that the two companies have entered into an agreement to combine their expertise in offering comprehensive Structure-Based Drug Design (SBDD) and lead optimization services. Drug discovery research is a complex, time-consuming activity that interweaves multiple scientific disciplines on the path to creating new treatments for human diseases. While once virtually the exclusive province of large pharmaceutical companies, large numbers of small pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical start-ups have entered the drug discovery field. Medicinal Chemistry and SBDD operations require specialized skills and expensive infrastructure, leading many small companies to outsource some or all of these operations. CreaGen and ProXyChem have teamed up to provide their complementary capabilities to client companies as a seamlessly integrated Medicinal Chemistry and SBDD service.


BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The recent licensing deal between Mercury Therapeutics and Debiopharm showcases the highly successful partnership between Mercury Therapeutics and CreaGen Biosciences, said CreaGen in a statement released today.

For the past three years, Mercury has partnered with CreaGen for medicinal chemistry-based outsourcing of their lead generation program seeking to develop small molecule activators of AMP activated protein kinase. Novel AMPK activators hold promise for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.


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